EVOLUTION: Fail to refresh folder

Hello everybody.

Using EVOLUTION for a long time with and five IMAP accounts, and everything worked fine until this week.

Nowadays, only one of these five accounts (@zoho.com) with subscription in 75 folders is giving this error for 14 of this list. Better is the error message: “The error reported was ‘Reconnect after failure: unknown error’”.

The first thing I tried to do to fix it was to remove the account from the list of Online Accounts in UBUNTU. Did not work. The same after a new login. Then, in EVOLUTION, I unsubscribed from the folders showing the error. It didn’t work either. After a new subscription, everything is the same.

So what does this error message mean? What can I do to fix this? Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (64-bit), GNOME 3.36.8, Windowing X11, Evolution 3.50.1 (by Flathub.org)

“unknown error” can by about parsing response, maybe a runtime check
failed. I suggest you disable all but this account, then run evolution
with IMAP debugging on, which can show the problem. The command is:

flatpak kill org.gnome.Evolution
CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io,imapx:conman flatpak run org.gnome.Evolution

The log will print raw communication between the server and the client,
including message content. Make sure you don’t expose anything private.
Ideally share only the relevant part of the code, when the error

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