Epub thumbnails in Nautilus

Reading in the XFCE 4.16 announcement that Thunar now has Thumbnails for epubs I thought “Hey, if Thunar can do it, I’m quite sure that Nautilus can do it as well”. I started searching and found stuff like:

https://askubuntu.com/questions/910715/can-i-make-nautilus-show-book-covers-as-thumbnails-for-epub-files or https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-epub-thumbnailer.

But this is all already relatively old so I decided to ask here.

What’s the best way to get epub previews/thumbnails in Nautilus these days? Maybe it is already build in these days and I “just” have to insall the right lib?


After some more research I was probably a bit to fast. gnome-epub-thumbnailer seems to be the way to go and is packaged by most distributions, expect mine (Debian) :cry:


True. I’m on a Debian based distro (Endless OS) and I also don’t see thumbnails for epub files.

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