Epiphany (Gnome Web) says this site insecure

I’m using Web 3.38 and the lock icon on this website shows the following information:

Is it a bug with epiphany?


Firefox works fine:

Screenshot from 2020-10-07 22-26-59

Screenshot from 2020-10-07 22-27-41

You may want to check if your local certificates includes the Let’s Encrypt one. That’s a distro issue, more often than not.

Same. I also have the same issue.

I’d recommend opening an issue on Web’s issue tracker.

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I’d recommend opening an issue on Web’s issue tracker.

Please don’t, it’s probably 216038 – [SOUP] webkit_web_view_get_https_status() broken with service workers.


Ok, thanks.

And does that mean that accessing discourse.gnome.org with Web is not a good idea for now? As in nothing is encrypted?

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You can safely ignore this bug on discourse.gnome.org. Everything is actually encrypted and page loading should still fail if you’re talking to a fake discourse.gnome.org.

I’ll continue to think about how to fix it.


I proposed a patch in the WebKit bug.


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