Discourse vs mailing list

As much as I strongly prefer regular mailing lists to a web based forum interface, based on the email to the list last week (2022.10.20) it looks like the mailing list will be shut down whether we (it’s users) like it or not. I have only started looking, but does anyone know if it’s possible to get email notifications of any new topics or posts with a given tag?


Hi Jack!

Did you see Common questions re: Mailman to Discourse ?

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Thanks. That’s likely to cover everything, and I’ve already figured out a fair amount. I’ll post more if I end up with any specific questions, although I suppose there’s a better tag than “balsa” for such.

I hope this is the right place to ask this. I’m a bit confused about the balsa tag. When I explicitly search for “balsa” under tags then I see it. But when I list the tags I don’t see it. Is there a reason for that?

I’m totally new to Discourse, for whatever that’s worth.


List the tags where? Looking at this thread, I see Applications and balsa at the top just under the topic subject.

Yeah, it’s listed above once you get here. I was just confused because – when I was originally trying to find my way here – I went to the Gnome list and pulled down the “all tags” menu. But I guess that doesn’t actually have all the tags. If you start typing “balsa” in the search box above the all tags pull-down, then the balsa tag appears.

No big deal, I was just trying to figure out how things worked :slight_smile:

Understood, and basically, I’m as confused as you are.

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