Date Formats in Nautilus

My goal was to bring more civilized people into the discussion who had raised similar issues in the past and who would not be aware of this one without being notified of it.


Because you have shown there is a bug in the date format that can be fixed. The time format canā€™t.

Bringing more people for what? Mob pressure?

Ah! I understand now. Thank you for explaining.

Of course not. Stop assuming iā€™m trying to be antagonistic. You yourself said that your response to issues depends in part on others having the same issue giving their ā€œthumgs upā€ to a discussion to confirm that more than just one person is having an issue.

I feel we could have resolved this in about half an hour over a beer, I havenā€™t a clue why this keeps going so far sideways.

Itā€™s taken three years, but iā€™m coming to the realization that Files will never display dates and times in ISO format, so iā€™m just going to have to move to another application. Thatā€™s unfortunate, but honestly it seems like so much less work than trying to explain why Files should have this ability.


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