Date creation fails

Hi i have trouble with Glib::datetime it used to work in gtkmm 3 now seems there must be something diferent couse its not working anymore. …currently i use lmde faye for sistem and after properly seting my string parameter date is not filled. what am i doing wrong ? cout says its day 0 :frowning:
parameter seem fine as lets say: 2025-01-17 00:00:00

void rhea::PickupDT::setValue(std::string iso8601){
Glib::DateTime dt;
std::cout <<"date is: "<< dt.get_day_of_month() << std::endl;


also have tried

void rhea::PickupDT::setValue(std::string iso8601) {
Glib::DateTime dt = Glib::DateTime::create_from_iso8601(iso8601);
std::cout <<"date is: "<< dt.get_day_of_month() << std::endl;

and i still dont get proper day of month from value :frowning:

where to post bug? or have i done some missfit ?


seems gtkmm-4 is more strict than gtkmm-3 found solution proper format is something like 2025-01-17T00:00:00+01

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