Heyas, i really like the accent color feature recently introduced. However users are still forced to pick. Can there be another color option “custom” for instance that let’s the user set a cusom hex or rgb value? Recompiling the theme should be no problem.
Let’s say i want to change purple to a different value. I’m using a custom theme and am trying to override one of the given colors but failing ^^.
Can someone please tell me how i can achieve this and where those given colors are defined?
I already tried @define-color accent_color … in my gnome-shell.css of my theme but i guess i need to look in a different place.
is this the correct place? Making sure you're not a bot! . I modified the color values of purple, recompiled and installed gnome-shell again. Then i tried to switch to purple in gnome-settings but the color changes are not picked up. What else needs to be done?
Gnome only wants to support “named” colors rather than arbitrary color values. Their rationale is that it’s hard to ensure that arbitrary colors will have good contrast and show proper context (for example, you don’t want a red confirm button next to a red cancel button). By supporting just a handful of colors, they can better QA things.