Current recommended approach for building small GTK applications?

Hi! Today I felt like trying out writing a small GTK application, after close to 15 years of not touching anything related to user interfaces except maybe some occasional web stuff. I remember I used to design user interface in Glade and then load the UI in Python, which was mostly trouble-free. I googled a bit, and found some recommendations for gnome-builder, so I installed it through apt on my Debian Bookworm, and started playing, importing gitg from the wizard window—I use it, so thought it would be familiar. Yet the .ui files (I guess some equivalent to Glade?) do not open any UI designer, and the go to definition function doesn’t seem to work. So I guess I’m doing something wrong here.

How should I approach writing a small GTK application for personal use?

You should follow the Getting Started tutorial.

You should install GNOME Builder from Flathub in order to have the latest version, with all the needed dependencies and tooling.

There is no Glade any more; there is an experimental UI design tool made by the former Glade maintainer called Cambalache, also available on Flathub. In general, though, it’s not really necessary to use a UI design tool; you should use widget templates (also available in Python to create composite widgets.

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So, the Debian-provided version is no good?

I’ve fetched the flatpakref file, and trying to install it through LANG= flatpak install --user org.gnome.Builder.flatpakref, but I’m getting an error:

:~% LANG= flatpak install --user org.gnome.Builder.flatpakref

Note that the directories 


are not in the search path set by the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable, so
applications installed by Flatpak may not appear on your desktop until the
session is restarted.

The remote 'flathub', referred to by 'org.gnome.Builder' at location contains additional applications.
Should the remote be kept for future installations? [Y/n]: n
The application org.gnome.Builder depends on runtimes from:
Configure this as new remote 'flathub' [Y/n]: n
error: The application org.gnome.Builder/x86_64/stable requires the runtime org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/45 which was not found

Try answering ‘yes’ to those two questions posed by flatpak, instead of ‘no’. You need the ‘flathub’ remote in order to fetch the runtime.

Now I’m getting the following errors:

:~% LANG= flatpak install --user org.gnome.Builder.flatpakref

Note that the directories 


are not in the search path set by the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable, so
applications installed by Flatpak may not appear on your desktop until the
session is restarted.

The remote 'flathub', referred to by 'org.gnome.Builder' at location contains additional applications.
Should the remote be kept for future installations? [Y/n]: 
Required runtime for org.gnome.Builder/x86_64/stable (runtime/org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/45) found in remote flathub
Do you want to install it? [Y/n]: 

org.gnome.Builder permissions:
    ipc                          network       fallback-x11       session-bus       ssh-auth       system-bus       wayland      x11      dri      devel      file access [1]      dbus access [2]
    system dbus access [3]

    [1] /var/lib/flatpak, host, xdg-data/meson, xdg-run/gvfsd, xdg-run/keyring, ~/.local/share/flatpak
    [2] org.freedesktop.FileManager1, org.freedesktop.Flatpak, org.freedesktop.PackageKit, org.freedesktop.secrets, org.gtk.vfs.*
    [3] org.freedesktop.Avahi, org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1, org.gnome.Sysprof3

        ID                                             Branch                 Op            Remote             Download
 1. [?] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            23.08                  i             flathub                8.1?kB / 162.2?MB
 2. [?] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            23.08-extra            i             flathub                8.2?kB / 162.2?MB
 3. [?] org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264              2.2.0                  i             flathub                1.0?kB / 944.3?kB
 4. [?] org.gnome.Builder.Locale                       stable                 i             flathub                1.0?kB / 2.8?MB
 5. [?] org.gnome.Sdk.Locale                           45                     i             flathub              322.5?kB / 374.4?MB
 6. [?] org.gnome.Sdk                                  45                     i             flathub                1.5?MB / 843.7?MB
 7. [ ] org.gnome.Builder                              stable                 i             flathub            < 145.4?MB

Warning: While pulling runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08 from remote flathub: open(O_TMPFILE): Permission denied
Warning: While pulling runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08-extra from remote flathub: open(O_TMPFILE): Permission denied
Warning: While pulling runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/2.2.0 from remote flathub: open(O_TMPFILE): Permission denied
Warning: While pulling runtime/org.gnome.Builder.Locale/x86_64/stable from remote flathub: open(O_TMPFILE): Permission denied
Warning: While pulling runtime/org.gnome.Sdk.Locale/x86_64/45 from remote flathub: open(O_TMPFILE): Permission denied
Error: While pulling runtime/org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/45 from remote flathub: open(O_TMPFILE): Permission denied
error: Failed to install org.gnome.Sdk: While pulling runtime/org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/45 from remote flathub: open(O_TMPFILE): Permission denied

I’m starting to wonder if I’m in the target audience of gnome builder…

Hey Javos, have been in the same boat as you, getting great results with Vala so far.
I’d recommend looking at basic gui examples posted on various help forums (and Perplexity/Copilot) to see what you can get away with with regards to program structure, then the rest is just elaboration.

// one of several ways to structure a program I've seen
// some are in main, like this one, others are classes outside of it
int main (string[] args) {
	Gtk.Application myapp = new Gtk.Application ("com.test.myapp", GLib.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
	myapp.activate.connect(() => {
		Gtk.ApplicationWindow win = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow(myapp);
		Gtk.Box content = new Gtk.Box(VERTICAL,4)
// add stuff to content ...
// add signals ...
		win.default_width = 360;
		win.default_height = 720;

Also I suggest not using Builder or any other IDEs, just get used to raw code in one file, compile in the terminal with valac myapp.vala --pkg gtk4 and use the binary right-away. Its obviously not how the pros do it (you can always emulate later), but its a fast way to get small GUI programs made asap.

That looks like non-root install, run getting open(O_TMPFILE): Permission denied · Issue #2808 · flatpak/flatpak · GitHub

Are the permissions of /var/tmp set correctly? It should be 1777

Indeed this was it and I managed to install Gnome Builder from flatpak. Though, code navigation still doesn’t work for gitg.

I gave up on Vala.

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