Creating my own GObject object stuck with ref_count = 0


I’m trying to manually create a GListStore, by using my own row structure, by trying to do what Emanuelle says in How to use GListStore by creating my own “GObject” object
I think I did what it was said in the GObject tutorial GObject – 2.0: GObject Tutorial, everything was fine, until when I tried to do:

GListStore *root = g_list_store_new(MODELE_VIEWER_TYPE_DATA);
ModeleViewerData * g1 = g_object_new (MODELE_VIEWER_TYPE_DATA, NULL);
g_list_store_append(root, g1);

I go this error on the last instruction: “g_object_ref: assertion ‘!object_already_finalized’ failed”.

I checked “G_OBJECT(g1)->ref_count” and it gives me 0, so I guess it was the reaon of this error after I checked the source code of GObject.c

I tried to trick it by calling “g_object_ref(g1)” just before, by hoping that it will increase to “1” but I have same error" g_object_ref: assertion ‘!object_already_finalized’ failed"

In my “.h” file:


#define MODELE_VIEWER_TYPE_DATA (modele_viewer_data_get_type ())

G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ModeleViewerData, modele_viewer_data, MODELE_VIEWER, DATA, GObject)

ModeleViewerData *modele_viewer_data_new (const char * col1, const char * col2, const char * col3, const char * col4);


in my .c file

struct _ModeleViewerData
GObject *parent;
gchar *column1;
gchar *column2;
gchar *column3;
gchar *column4;

/* Class virtual function fields. */
void (* open) (ModeleViewerData  *modeleViewerData, GError **error);

/* Padding to allow adding up to 12 new virtual functions without
* breaking ABI. */
gpointer padding[12];


struct _ModeleViewerDataClass
GObjectClass parent_class;
G_DEFINE_FINAL_TYPE (ModeleViewerData, modele_viewer_data, G_TYPE_OBJECT)

modele_viewer_data_new (const char * col1, const char * col2, const char * col3, const char * col4)
return g_object_new (MODELE_VIEWER_TYPE_DATA,
“column1”, col1,
“column2”, col2,
“column3”, col3,
“column4”, col4,

static void
modele_viewer_data_init (ModeleViewerData *self)
g_print(“modele_viewer_data_init IN… \n”);

self->column1 = g_alloca0(50);
self->column2 = g_alloca0(50);
self->column3 = g_alloca0(50);
self->column4 = g_alloca0(50);
// GObjectClass *mvdClass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (modele_viewer_data_parent_class);
// g_ref_count_init(G_OBJECT(self)->ref_count);


I also have the following functions implemented:

modele_viewer_data_cla ss_init

Do you know why it doesn’t want to put ref_count to 1 ?
I spent all my nights for many days to figure out what’s wrong, and I don’t find any example on internet, but I’m tired now, so I need your help.


parent in the instance structure should not be a pointer:

struct _ModeleViewerData
  // GObject *parent_instance;
  GObject  parent_instance;

  gchar   *column1;
  gchar   *column2;
  gchar   *column3;
  gchar   *column4;

  /* Move the rest of to the ModeleViewerDataClass struct */

struct _ModeleViewerDataClass
  GObjectClass parent_class;

  /* Class virtual function fields. */
  void (* open) (ModeleViewerData  *modeleViewerData, GError **error);

  /* Padding to allow adding up to 12 new virtual functions without
  * breaking ABI. */
  gpointer padding[12];
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omg, it works now ! I wasted one week every nights just because of that… I should posted my questtions earlier, it would save so much time ;(. Thank you , you save my mind, I was thinking to giveup to use GTK.

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