Colours as Brush strokes

Wondering whether there is any automated method to change these colours into brush strokes. Currently using brush strokes manually. I tried Oilify and Waterpixels without success. Thanks.

I don’t understand what you want to do? Have you go an example or a precise definition?

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I think the idea was to get the image below ( with image above as input ). More specifically, to group pixels by same color into areas painted by a paint brush.

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Thanks. This is exactly what I am trying to do. Please do ask any questions you have if still in doubt @Ofnuts

For context, I am trying to create a normal map for Blender

By changing plain colours to brush strokes, I get the same results inside Blender. :slight_smile:

Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC), perhaps?

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Thanks, it works. But it looks a bit distorted than painted

when using a brush manually

I think brushify in G,MIC-QT is the closest one

If only, I could define the brush and choose an angle as well.

Hand painted and result


I think a new post is better for context than editing the existing one

Paint with Brush ( style - whirl) in G’MIC is giving good results. For the circle area I had to use another G’MIC effect called Finger Paint due to distortion of that area.

Edit : Using Finger Paint alone also gives good results.

Edit 2: My favourite so far - Corvo’s

Fine texture using Testing > Corvo > Corvo’s Painting 5


Edit 3:

It is looking good, thanks all :slight_smile:


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