Close or Disable "Oh no! Something has gone wrong" screen without log out?


I find this window to be more of an annoyance and hindrance than helpful. I’m not clear what triggers it, but it’s no where near as catastrophic as I’m nearly forced to believe. It may happen during intense swapping going on that causes oom-killer to kill something? Not sure as I haven’t had much time, and it’s nothing serious.

By using Alt+Spacebar I can remove the window from being always on top and always on visible workspace, and then move it right until it’s not on any of my workspaces, then continue what i was doing… sometimes for weeks longer before I decide to reboot… more like nothing has gone wrong but if this window had its way it would ruin my browser session or any other unsaved data i might’ve had open.

Unfortunately, as soon as I close this window it kills my session. If there is a way to close it without causing that, or just disable it completely, or switch to some less obnoxious warning/error notification, I’d appreciate knowing. Thanks