Cannot resize image detail pane

I’m unable to resize the image details side pane (shown on the right side in shotwell). All the lines are cut off and only show when I hover over them with the mouse. Drives me crazy… any way how to resize this?

Hi, It is not resizable, but this is also way to small, usually only the path is shortened

Hm… kinda sucks. :frowning: I tried a bunch of different GNOME settings but to no avail. It always stays this way on my 4K display. Making it resizeable would mitigate the problem.

Are you scaling your UI? Probably the logic to adapt to that is flawed

In fact I am, yes… I’m mixing some displays and I’m scaling the ones with lower resolution by 1.25 :thinking:

Thanks, I will check if something is going wrong there

FWIW I just tried running shotwell on a computer without display scaling and can confirm that the side pane is displayed correctly. So this might indeed be related to scaling.

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