Cannot infer type IsA<Cancellable> when cancellable is not provided

I am not using threads and I am trying to use gio::FileExt::query_info. It will not compile because I did not provide a cancellable type in the option. The docs say I can just provide a None, but this is not working. What type and how would I implement it so the compiler can accept a None?

error[E0283]: type annotations needed
  --> src/
16 |     let info: gio::FileInfo = match file.query_info(
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `P` declared
   |                                                     on the associated function `query_info`
   = note: cannot satisfy `_: IsA<Cancellable>`

My test code is

use gio::File;

fn main() {
    let mut filename = glib::get_user_data_dir().unwrap();

    let file = File::new_for_path(filename);


fn should_try_load (file: &gio::File) -> bool {
    use gio::FileExt;
    let mut result = false;

    let info: gio::FileInfo = match file.query_info(
        None) {
            Ok(x) => x,
            Err(x) => return result,

    if info.has_attribute(&gio::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED) {
        let now = glib::DateTime::new_now_utc();
        let mtime = info.get_modification_date_time()
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| now.clone());

        result = now.difference(&mtime) < 86400000000; //G_TIME_SPAN_DAY

    return result

You should use either gio::NONE_CANCELLABLE or None::<&gio::Cancellable>

To give some background: The reason behind that being that a) gio::Cancellable is subclassable (you can implement your own subclasses of it, for whatever reason), and b) Option::<&gio::Cancellable> and Option<&YourCancellable> being different types and the compiler not being able to know that for this specific function it doesn’t make any difference.

And example where b) would make a difference is a function that would do other things based on the type than just handling a None value as “not existing”.

For example a

fn unwrap_or_default<T: Default>(v: Option<T>) -> T {
    match v {
        None => T::default(),
        Some(v) => v,

To solve this one could imagine using generic type parameter defaults, like on traits or structs, but that’s unfortunately not possible (yet). See for some discussion around that. That would allow us marking this function as “I don’t care what the type is if it’s None, just give me any”.

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