Can GtkListStore be connected to GSettings

The GSettings API allows for object properties to be directly bound to keys stored in GSettings through the g_settings_bind_with_mapping() API, which is very convenient.

However, what I am wondering is whether there is a way to connect a GtkListStore with a key in GSettings? In essence, I’d like to be able to populate the GtkListStore from GSettings and then store the values back.

I understand that this will have to be done through a mapping function with g_settings_bind_with_mapping() but I don’t know what property of GtkListStore is appropriate to use?

Thank you.

I’m not really sure what you’re trying to achieve. You want to iterate over all the keys in a GSettings schema and populate a GtkListStore?

Settings schemas cannot change at run time, so you need to populate it once.

I don’t want to iterate over a schema. I want to use values stored in GSettings to populate a GtkListStore.

For example, a GSettings schema could contain a key called ‘listValues’ of type ‘a(ss)’, each element of that list would be a string that will be inserted into one of the columns of a GtkListStore. I would look up the value of key ‘listValues’ and use that information to populate the GtkListStore.

There’s definitely no API to do this out of the box; you will need to iterate manually over the GVariant you get out of the GSettings key, and then populate the GtkListStore.

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