Call for Project Proposals for Google Season of Docs 2021

GNOME is planning to participate in the 2021 Season of Docs.
If you have a project that needs documentation and has contributors who are able and willing to mentor, please add your proposal as a comment below.

When thinking about your project proposal please be aware that there have been changes to the Season of Docs program this year. Some of the main changes to note are:

  • Open source organizations will be allowed to apply for a grant based on their documentation needs.
  • If selected, open source organizations will use their grant to hire a technical writer directly to complete their documentation project.
  • Organizations will have up to six months to complete their documentation project

For more details on the program please see the Season of Docs guide: Introduction  |  Google Season of Docs  |  Google for Developers

What should your proposal look like?

All proposals should include a list of key needs, goals or problems, possible documentation solutions, and possible metrics.
Please review these examples to get an idea of what you need to provide in your proposal: Project ideas  |  Google Season of Docs  |  Google for Developers

Our deadline for submitting final proposals to Google is March 26th.

We need your proposals as soon as possible in order to start publicizing and promoting the projects to get the attention of technical writers so we ask that all proposals are submitted as a comment below by March 1st.

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Please add your project idea in this thread.

I would like to do one where we focus on the content on and remove all documentation that no longer applies and at put some placeholders and then create a project plan to write new content - regardless where it should be. I think this will help make the information that we currently have on the project to be accurate so that we can make the onboarding experience pleasant.

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@sri Could you please share more information on your proposal. Basically it should include all the points here: Project ideas  |  Google Season of Docs  |  Google for Developers

Here is an example example:


  • New contributors aren’t able to find the setup information they need to make meaningful contributions to our project. Some processes (such as contributing to our tests) aren’t documented at all.

How would we measure success?

  • Increase in the number of new contributors
  • Increase in the number of new non-code contributors (by making it easier to contribute to docs or tests)
  • Decrease in the number of issues raised by new contributors
  • Increase in the number of closed issues tagged with “good first issue”

What skills would a technical writer need to work on this project?

  • Must have: Familiarity with GitHub (or willingness to work through GitHub tutorials)
  • Nice to have: Familiarity with our test runner, in order to run our tests and update the documentation for doing so


Encourage community members to sign up to help with specific tasks, for example:

  • @JaneQDev, can help with answering questions about our tests
  • @ChenPCoder, happy to review docs pull requests
  • @ErichJEngineer, can walk through current contribution process with technical writer

Contact info

  • Technical writers interested in working on this project should send an email to email@project. Please include links to your technical writing work or portfolio/résumé/CV.

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