Browsing Lustre filesystem going into a directory with released file gets it into a loading state for up to 30 minute

Have a mounted Lustre filesystem and when we traverse it filemanager going into a loading state for up to 30 minute when the directory contains Lustre released files.

About Lustre release:
If you want to create storage space on your file system, you can release files from your file system. Releasing a file retains the file listing and metadata, but removes the local copy of that file’s contents. You cannot release a file if it’s in use or if it has not been exported to a linked data repository. You can release individual files from your file system using the following commands:

Any way to avoid doing “filemanager operations” that causes every file to get unreleased to display the filenames? Ususally this is an intermediate directory and we only need to get the names of new directories to continue into deeper directory structure.

Hi Frederik, have you tried disabling thumbnailing? Not sure what other operation nautilus would read the files for.

Will give that a try @p3732, thanks!

Started looking at the source code but never managed to invest enough time to get somewhere.
Looks like a stat will take place.

Didn’t work unfortunately.

❯ gsettings list-recursively | grep org.gnome.nautilus.preferences

org.gnome.nautilus.preferences confirm-trash true
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences install-mime-activation true
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-sort-in-reverse-order false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences open-folder-on-dnd-hover false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-move-to-trash-shortcut-changed-dialog true
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences executable-text-activation ‘display’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences mouse-forward-button 9
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences tabs-open-position ‘after-current-tab’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences recursive-search ‘never’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences click-policy ‘double’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-delete-permanently false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-sort-order ‘manually’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-folder-viewer ‘list-view’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences search-view ‘list-view’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-create-link false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-directory-item-counts ‘never’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-hidden-files false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-image-thumbnails ‘never’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences sort-directories-first false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences thumbnail-limit uint64 10485760
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences mouse-back-button 8
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences bulk-rename-tool @ay []
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences mouse-use-extra-buttons true
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences search-filter-time-type ‘last_modified’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences confirm-trash true
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences install-mime-activation true
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-sort-in-reverse-order false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences open-folder-on-dnd-hover false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-move-to-trash-shortcut-changed-dialog true
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences executable-text-activation ‘display’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences mouse-forward-button 9
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences tabs-open-position ‘after-current-tab’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences recursive-search ‘never’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences click-policy ‘double’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-delete-permanently false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-sort-order ‘manually’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-folder-viewer ‘list-view’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences search-view ‘list-view’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-create-link false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-directory-item-counts ‘never’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-hidden-files false
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-image-thumbnails ‘never’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences sort-directories-first false

org.gnome.nautilus.preferences thumbnail-limit uint64 10485760
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences mouse-back-button 8
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences bulk-rename-tool @ay []
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences mouse-use-extra-buttons true
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences search-filter-time-type ‘last_modified’
org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-image-thumbnails ‘never’

Right, I didn’t expect the Lustre filesystem to not keep the required information for stat around, but that might be. In that case I am not sure that anything could be done on nautilus’ side.

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