[Bluetooth MenuBar System Drop-Down Suggestion]: Gnome Lacks Testing or Experimental Battery Percentage In Overview

Like Android and other modern user interaces, GNOME should work on displaying Bluetooth device battery percentage next to the name in the top-right corner dashboard thingy.


What it does:
[bluetooth] Bluetooth
[icon here] Device Name

What is should do:
[bluetooth] Device Name
[icon here] Battery%

Even in experimental/testing versions if GNOME (with the experimental/testing config enabled) it only shows in power settings. It should instead show in Bluetooth settings, and the Bluetooth section of the top-right dashboard. We already gave the Bluetooth icon and device name so the word Bluetooth may be redundant. But that’s without the on-click drop-down activated.

==> ON-CLICK <==

What it does:
[headset icon here] Device name [color: grey, align: right] Connected

What it should consider doing:
[Headset icon here] Device name [color: grey, align: right] Battery%

Saying it’s connected is sort of redundant because the battery percentage showing itself indicates connection. Thank you for your time and consideration. Implementing either of these changes would make it much easier to monitor the battery of a Bluetooth device, much like how it happens on other operating systems. This is to be in testing/experimental, of course. It should be an easy change, but probably low-priority seeing as nothing is broken, just less than perfectly convenient in this case.

This shouldn’t be left to extensions, which frequently break with GNOME updates.