Behavior of copying and pasting changed?

Updating to GIMP 3.0:
When copying parts of an image and then pasting, GIMP no longer pastes to the size of the selected area that it was copied from. It pastes as the whole size of the layer it was previously copied from. Was this an oversight, or was the functionality moved to some other shortcut combination? I don’t see anything mentioned about this change, but this one little change has made it so I am unable to process images. The extra space on the sides of the pasted area is transparent, but it is unnecessary to have to go back and change that after it’s already pasted, when it worked just fine previously… would like to have that old functionality back.

@random-gimp-user I think you could be encoutered this bug: Copy selection pastes selection within the boundaries of the whole image in Office Software (#10490) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab

Nope. The bug report for that says it pastes only the selection size. That’s not what I said. It pastes the whole layer size, rather than just the selected area. The link you provided says as a caveat, which doesn’t apply to me:

In contrast: It works as expected (paste only the selection with the size of the selection in Ofice Software)

Which is the functionality I wish to have, and it has nothing to do with pasting it into office software, but back into GIMP. Also, that was a vindoze report, I’m using Linux.

@random-gimp-user You misread it. The user was talking about 2.10

I cannot replicate when doing Copy (Ctrl+C) then Paste (Ctrl+V) on current master.

However, I use a clipboard manager (Ditto). When instead of pasting, I first select a different image and paste that. It seems to have lost the correct size. Same when in the clipboard manager I go back to the last copied image and then paste that, it indeed copies the whole layer.

Would have to test more without clipboard manager and with different OS-es where the issue is.

No I didn’t misread. The preparatory phrase “in contrast” should have alerted you to that fact. Not sure how a bug report for 2.99.16 posted a year ago applies to me, seeing as how it was working fine a few weeks ago before the update.

Nothing is being copied or pasted from another source, it’s all being done within GIMP. I copy a selected area and then paste it, and the pasted layer is the same size as the copied layer, even though I only copied a small section of the original. It also doesn’t first go to a floating layer like it used to, just creates a new one by default.

Can you tell us exactly how you copy/paste, this can sometimes make a difference. e.g. do you use the shortcut keys, do you go to the Edit menu and select the commands there (if yes, which exact paste command did you select, there are more in the menu).

Select area to copy with rectangular select tool.
Use Ctrl + C to copy selected area.
Use Ctrl + V to paste selected area.

That’s it.

Found the problem. The functionality was moved to a new “copy” function in GIMP called “Copy Visible” whose shortcut keys were changed to Shift+Ctrl+C.


Hi! “Copy Visible” is in GIMP 2.10 as well. The main difference is that regular Copy only pulls pixels from the selected layer (even if there are other layers visible in the selection area), while “Copy Visible” does include those other layers in the pasted layer (as if you did “Merge Visible Layers” before copying).

I’m glad you found a solution, I just wish we could replicate your original problem. When I use regular copy and paste in 3.0, the new layer just contains what was in the selected area. Could you post a screenshot showing what it looks like when you copy + paste with Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V? Thanks!