Balsa language configuration

After upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 balsa came up using English for all labels and messages.
How can I change that to Balsa using German?
Many thanks for a hint,

Welcome to GNOME Discourse, Helmut.

Can you please share your Ubuntu version and Balsa version?

I am running Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS which has installed Balsa 2.6.4.
Thanks for any help.
There must be any configuration file where I can set the language.

Balsa uses the environment (i.e. LANG or LC_*) to choose the localisation. E.g. running (from a terminal) LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 balsa should launch Balsa in German. However, this requires the files /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/ to be installed – this is the location on Debian Bookworm, though, YMMV for Ubuntu. Note that the Bookworm files are distributed in a separate package (balsa-data), no idea about Ubuntu. And if you compiled Balsa yourself, these files are typically installed in /usr/**local**/share/locale/….

Thanks, but unfortunately this doesn’t help.
I have

and there is a file

If I start nano it comes up using German


Are you running Gnome or Plasma or even some other Window Manager, and have you tried setting the locale with the appropriate system settings app? (I can’t test easily, as I only use English, and under Gentoo Linux, I do not generally even have non-English translations available.) Also, have you tried running from command line to see if there is any useful console output?

I have tried it under Gnome and under IceWM.
Other applications like keepassxc or nano do come up in German.
When running balsa in an xterm I get
Theme parsing error: not using units is deprecated
and finally unable to send notifications through org.freedesktop

Many thanks,