I’m trying to assist in the effort of moving mailing lists over to Discourse. This is being tracked at Migrate our mailing lists to our Discourse instance (#18) · Issues · GNOME / Initiatives · GitLab. In this issue I’ve also updated the steps to take in closing a mailing list. I think it is best to first contact an owner before talking to the subscribers. For that I need a bit of help.
Basically: who is the right person/team/group to contact for the initial discussion?
The mailing lists I’m investigating are:
- gnome-women-list: Last few years it only contains announcement emails for Outreachy. I don’t think it needs a specific tag.
- intern-alumni-list: No archives. Can be closed without discussion in my opinion (IMO).
- interns-list: No archives. Seems related to Internships - GNOME Wiki! (not repeated after 2018). Can be closed without discussion IMO.
- internships-admin. Used heavily in 2018. After that the emails are ignored. IMO it needs to be closed to avoid giving a wrong impression.
- outreach-list: No emails since 2017. Can be closed without discussion IMO. There’s a Outreachy category here.
- outreachy-opportunities-list. Never used. Can be closed without discussion IMO. There’s a Outreachy category here.
Aside from the Community ones I’m also checking a few Events related ones:
- asia-summit-list: Mailing list is in use. I think it requires a new tag, e.g. ‘asia-summit’. This mailing list will take a while I think. Further, they’re currently planning GNOME Asia, maybe not good to change anything for now.
- guadec-attendees-list. Seems dead, nothing in archives. Can be closed without discussion IMO.
- guadec-list: Not too many emails. Maybe add a new tag, e.g. ‘guadec’. Where are the discussions usually? Should we request an ‘events’ category?
- guadec-local. Nothing since 2015. Can be closed without discussion IMO. Also noticed a ‘GUADEC organizers’ group on Discourse.
As said: for various I’d like to know who is owning the lists and can sign off with the sysadmins on closing these.
Please correct any wrong assumptions!
Btw: I wasn’t sure if to open a topic here or file an issue at Issues · Engagement · GitLab. Here felt better as the covered mailing lists are pretty broad.