I’m using Ubuntu 22.10, Gnome desktop and Xorg. Each time when I try to log in to desktop, I meet the “Are you sure you want to proceed?” message as described here. I’ve tried all sorts of ways to get out of this window, but it doesn’t work, and I’m wondering what’s going on here, is it related to some Settings in Xorg?
That error message does not seem to come from GNOME. It most likely comes from an Ubuntu-specific patch to gdm that ends up calling zenity --warning, for which this is the default text: config_error_dialog.patch « ubuntu « patches « debian - ubuntu/+source/gdm3 - [no description]. Not quite sure how this ends up with the default text instead of whatever they are trying to show though. I would suggest reporting this to Ubuntu.
Figured out what the cause is: They are probably trying to set the text to something that contains < which means the following text will be considered pango markup. It most likely is not pango markup though. So they need to use --no-markup when calling zenity to avoid the text being considered invalid markup.
It seems that this is triggered by the corresponding setting in the following script:
werner@X10DAi:~$ cat /etc/gdm3/config-error-dialog.sh
# Copyright (C) 2014 Canonical Ltd
# Author: Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj@ubuntu.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the license.
# This file may be sourced by the function source_with_error_check() in
# /etc/gdm/Xsession
export TEXTDOMAIN=gdm
. /usr/bin/gettext.sh
PARA1=$(eval_gettext 'Error found when loading $CONFIG_FILE:')
PARA2=$(gettext 'As a result the session will not be configured correctly.
You should fix the problem as soon as feasible.')
TEXT="$PARA1\n\n$(fold -s $ERR)\n\n$PARA2"
if [ -x /usr/bin/kdialog ]; then
TEXT_FILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir config-err-kdialog-XXXXXX)
echo -n "$TEXT" > "$TEXT_FILE"
kdialog --textbox "$TEXT_FILE" 500 300
rm -f "$TEXT_FILE"
elif [ -x /usr/bin/zenity ]; then
zenity --warning --no-wrap --text="$TEXT"
It is triggered by something in your .profile (or one of the related files) printing something containing a < to stderr, which this script then tries to show an alert for, but because that is invalid markup, zenity falls back to the default text. Ubuntu needs to fix the script from that patch to include the --no-markup option. You can also do that yourself on your local installation by editing /etc/gdm3/config-error-dialog.sh. Then you can see what is causing the error in your .profile and fix that as well. Please still file an issue against Ubuntu, specifically their gdm3 package, though.
$ cat /etc/gdm3/config-error-dialog.sh
# Copyright (C) 2014 Canonical Ltd
# Author: Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj@ubuntu.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the license.
# This file may be sourced by the function source_with_error_check() in
# /etc/gdm/Xsession
export TEXTDOMAIN=gdm
. /usr/bin/gettext.sh
PARA1=$(eval_gettext 'Error found when loading $CONFIG_FILE:')
PARA2=$(gettext 'As a result the session will not be configured correctly.
You should fix the problem as soon as feasible.')
TEXT="$PARA1\n\n$(fold -s $ERR)\n\n$PARA2"
if [ -x /usr/bin/kdialog ]; then
TEXT_FILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir config-err-kdialog-XXXXXX)
echo -n "$TEXT" > "$TEXT_FILE"
kdialog --textbox "$TEXT_FILE" 500 300
rm -f "$TEXT_FILE"
elif [ -x /usr/bin/zenity ]; then
# https://discourse.gnome.org/t/are-you-sure-you-want-to-proceed-message-on-login/13758/5?u=hongyi-zhao
zenity --no-markup --warning --no-wrap --text="$TEXT"
When logging into the desktop, I encountered the following error message:
That means that there is a erroneous git diff command in /etc/profile or (more likely) one the files sourced by it. Start at /etc/profile and check for git diff and if that does not contain it, check all the files sourced by it (and the files sourced by those, etc.). Those are lines either starting with a . or with source. It’s probably going to be in something like ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc. Once you found the git diff line, try commenting it out.
Thank you very much. Got it. In my case, I need to enable the following settings in one of my script which is sourced by /etc/profile to fix the problem:
The bug is in code added by Ubuntu, so reporting this to the GNOME issue tracker won’t get this solved.
When reporting this, please also make sure to mention which patch adds the call to zenity ( config_error_dialog.patch) and that it should be using the --no-markup option for cases when the error messages contain <.
I don’t think the suggested solution from that issue is a good idea. Manually trying to escape markup is prone to mistakes or missing some cases. Case in point, if some error message contained &something, that would also result in invalid markup and would not be caught by the proposed solution.
The only place that they seem to need markup for is the \n in the message that is part of the script. In every other case one actually would rather not want markup. Think of an error message like “You can’t use ‘\n’ here”. This would also end up as a newline instead of ‘\n’ in the dialog. So I would suggest to simply use
Thanks a lot for a nice solution to this Ubuntu specific issue. I’m going to make the change you suggested. Actually we are using that approach for both gdm and lightdm.