App menu grid becomes smaller on external monitor

On laptop screen (FullHD, 1920x1080) the grid is 8x3

But if I connect laptop to external monitor (2K, 2560x1440), the grid becomes 6x3

Is there a way to save the grid constant? (I’m sure, it should be constant because of muscle memory)

Only the number of icons per page and their order is constant, the layout and scale are adjusted according to the available space and its aspect ratio. In this case the different aspect ratio is what causes it to switch from 8x3 to 6x4. There is no option to force a specific layout, but that could theoretically be done using extensions (not sure if there is such an extension though).

@ilyachch: Is the app menu grid layout same in the following 2 cases:

  1. Login to GNOME from login screen via laptop display and switch to external display after logged into GNOME.
  2. Login to GNOME from login screen via external display

@Sid The behavior is the same. I think @skeller is right - the amount of apps is constant, so, it could be automatic adjustment

But the issue you raised is valid. Displaying 2 different layouts for different displays connected to the same system might not always be productive.

Layout muscle memory issue needs to be addressed in some way in multi monitor cases. Installing / removing apps also leads to minor layout change, but the user can always fix the new layout in his end. But, in case of automatic layout grid adjustment ( 8x36x4 etc ) when switching displays, the user cannot do anything.

@Sid But the issue you raised is valid. Displaying 2 different layouts for different displays connected to the same system might not always be productive.


I think there is no bug in this behavior, but also, I think if screens have same ratio (in my case, both screens are 16:9), the grid should remain the same. It is more UX problem, not a software bug.

I opened issue in Gnome’s gitlab

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