After decompile, extract from greosurce file, customization, then how to recompile it?

After decompile, extract from greosurce file, customization, then how to recompile it? I cannot seem to find any documentation on how to recreate or even create a gresource file? And anyone please help me find the applicable documentation for this?

If you have the following binary installed in your system, you can run:


(replacing com.example.App with your gresource XML file name)

If you do not have this binary installed on your system, you can look up what package provides this binary from your distribution’s repositories.

I am also very new to GNOME technologies, but I do know you can also compile gresource bundles with the Meson build system as most GNOME apps do.

gnome = import('gnome')

  gresource_bundle: true,
  install: true,
  install_dir: ...,

Hopefully this is helpful. :slight_smile:

You can also read the documentation on GIO Resources below:

Thanks… I have a place to start!

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