AdwToolbarView exceeds window width / height

I am writing a GTK4 app, which has AdwToolbarView.
Sometimes the layout is broken when a widget changes its state, like below:

Before I open the expander on the bottom right:

After I open the expander:

Note that the preview on the left disappears and a “AdwToolbarView exceeds…” warning is thrown in the console.

Please guide me how to fix it. App source code: quan/CoBangB: In-progress attempt to port CoBang to GTK4 -

Turn out that the warning message and the disappearance of widget are different issues.
For warning message, I fixed it by putting AdwToolbarView’s content inside a GtkScrolledWindow.

Fixed the layout breakge. I need to put TextView (under “Raw result”) to a ScrolledWindow, too.

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