Abnormally large mouse pointer in gnome apps (scaling set to 200%)

Hello everyone :wave:

I have scaling set to 200% and my mouse pointer in gnome apps (and only gnome apps like Files, Settings, Console, etc.) but not any other app like Tilix, Thunderbird, Spotify, etc. is too large and blurry. I think gnome apps are scaling the mouse pointer too.

The issue happened after updating to gnome shell version 46.3.1.

Did you maybe also update gtk4 at that time? What version of gtk4 are you currently using?

Yes, gtk4 was updated from 4.14.4 to 4.15.4. :grimacing:

You can use the NO_POINTER_VIEWPORT=1 environment variable until the next development release of gtk or you could try downgrading the package.

Which distro is shipping an unstable version of gtk with a stable version of gnome?

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Thanks! :100:

It’s openSUSE Slowroll :smiling_face_with_tear:. I didn’t know they shipped unstable versions, will ask around in their forums!