I’d like to display a large list of items in a flowbox. Grid is not working for me because I want the list to be responsive (i.e depending on window size, changes the number of columns). But since the list is large, I’m having performance issues.
I was wondering if there is something like a ‘FlowBoxView’ or how else can I solve this problem.
Use a shared ListModel with the data to populate the widgets, and then use a stack with different widgets in different pages.
Piling different layout management policies into the same widget is going to just make a crappy widget with the minimum common denominator between all of them, or a supremely unmaintainable one, with tons of hard to debug edge cases.
Thanks for the response. Since my list is not dynamically changing (no items added or removed in runtime), I guess I’m gonna be using a loading screen for the inital display of items.