Hi there, there’s already a bug report of this issue Wrong margin for system menu on RTL (#5261) · Issues · GNOME / gnome-shell · GitLab, so I hope it’s not annoying to have a discussion about it here.
The bug is, wrong quick-settings menu margin on RTL languages.
I’m a fully able person, but this bug still causes me to hunt for the menu quite frequently.
These are the 2 most common mistakes I personally do
I’d imagine if a user was visually impaired, or had motor issues, this would cause lots of frustration, as it’s not only a wrong margin value, the menu moves slightly depending on how many items are active.
- I have no experience in programming, so I’m not sure how hard fixing this, but I’m not sure about the need to mirror the shell in the first place, is there a reason for it other than convention?