2023 Board Candidate: Sonny Piers


I’m announcing my candidacy for the GNOME foundation board.

Sonny Piers
no corporate conflict of interests

I’ve been involved in FLOSS for more years that I can count on my hands. Mostly XMPP, Mozilla and now GNOME for the last 3 years. I’ve been a foundation member for 1 year. Among other things, my contributions have included:

Professionally and after 15 years of experience, I describe myself as a software and organization engineer.
I have been mostly focused on building products. A few years ago I got interested in organizations, and I’m now occupying a managerial position.

If you have any question or comment about my candidacy, feel free to leave a comment or email me.

Beside supporting the foundation and the community, these are the two topics that I would push for:

Decentralize GUADEC

Among community members, there are growing concerns with the carbon, financial and public-relation costs of flying the GNOME community accross the world.
We have already experimented with a satellite event, Berlin Mini GUADEC 2022, it was a great success.

Exploring this topic is also an opportunity to make in-person GUADEC more accessible to community members that are not able or willing to travel so far for so long.

Local and open events such as GNOME Latam have demonstrated that they can be a great vehicle for outreach.

Development funding

There are initiatives from public and private organizations to fund FLOSS.
There has been multiple successful and individual initiatives[1] among the community to get funding, but experience shows it can be intimidating. I would like the foundation to explore ways it can help unlock this potential for the GNOME project, specially in areas that are strategic or critical such as core components, apps and accessibility. Currently, I see 2 possible options:

Establish a process for individual initiatives to request help from the foundation to apply for a specific fund to work on a specific topic.


Have the foundation prospect / apply for funds directly and establish a technical steering community to decide where to allocate the money.

I’m aware the foundation is looking for an executive director, which I consider complementary with this initiative.

  1. For examples Fractal / NLNet and GNOME Shell Mobile / Prototype Fund ↩︎


Good luck! I heartily support this candidacy!




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You have all my support!

Felipe Kinoshita / fkinoshita@gnome.org

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You have my support too!



You’ve got my support too :smiley:

Christopher Davis

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I’d like to second this nomination.

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You have my support too!

K.B.Dharun Krishna / kkrishna@gnome.org

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Sonny is doing really interesting work behind the scenes. I fully support his nomination. Federico Mena Quintero / federico@gnome.org / federico.mena@gmail.com

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Foundation member, one endorsement required, this candidacy has been approved for 2023’s Board of Directors elections.

Sonny, would you mind posting your affiliation for transparency please?

Professional current affiliation: CTO at https://www.getmomo.de/

@averi thank you for all your work.

The motivation for my candidacy is missing from GNOME Foundation 2023 Elections Candidates I would like to make it as explicit as possible.

Can you please add the following:

My motivations for joining the board is to use my experience to 1. Decentralize GUADEC to be more resilient and accessible, 2. Explore opportunities for the GNOME foundation to help fund critical and strategic development on the GNOME project.


It’s possible to send PRs to foundation.gnome.org/vote/2023/candidates.wml · master · Infrastructure / foundation-web · GitLab - I might send one now to link the candidates to their Discourse announcement.

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For reference: Make 2023 Sonny Piers candidacy motivations explicit (!8) · Merge requests · Infrastructure / foundation-web · GitLab

It was merged and website updated, thanks!

Good luck mate you have support

Dedicated support from me too!.