#153 Proudly Colorful

Update on what happened across the GNOME project in the week from June 14 to June 21.

Sonny announces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://thisweek.gnome.org/posts/2024/06/twig-153/
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My goodness gracious, everyone is talking about accent colors and no one has noticed that the global shortcuts have also been merged this week! 3 BIG FEATURES in Gnome arriving at the same time! And the accent colors can be changed between light and dark mode, very cool!

Can you please ELI5 what is the intended use case of KeyRacks and oo7?

I understand the are replacements for secret managers, or ~something. But I don’t understand the intended design and how to use them. Why having different keyrings and not only one? Why many electron apps use them? How do I choose which to which keyring an app should have its secrets to?

I’m sorry, but I really lack in understanding this complexity…
Thank you in advance!