Shotwell can't access photos on my phone

I use a Google Pixel 6a phone, running GrapheneOS (open source secure fork of Android). Everything works exactly like any android phone, I can connect phone to laptop and view files in Files app etc.
But Shotwell reports something is preventing access so it can’t import photos.
Any ideas appreciated. Screenshot of error below:


Which desktop environment are you in? If in GNOME, check if Files has mounted the phone and if so, click on the “eject” symbol next to it.

Also while this error still persists, can you please post the output of
gio mount --list - Shotwell should be able to do that itself, but it seems it does not recognize what is mounted

Sorry I didn’t see the reply.
Yes I am using Gnome DE.
Yes Files did have the phone mounted. I ejected it and it didn’t help, Shotwell then just comes up with “not responding” offering me the Force Quit options. tried several times.

Here is the output of that command:

Drive(0): CT1000MX500SSD4
  Type: GProxyDrive (GProxyVolumeMonitorUDisks2)
Volume(0): Pixel 6a
  Type: GProxyVolume (GProxyVolumeMonitorMTP)

Thanks for any help you can offer

PS I suppose worst case I can just connect phone, grab pics from a folder in Files (on phone) and drag and drop them into Shotwell or import via a temp folder or similar. Would be nice if this feature could be got working though :slight_smile:

You should be able to Ctrl-I and import from the mounted folder.

That should be a normal MTP mount. odd. If you want, can you do a
gio mount --list -i and additionally starting Shotwell from console with

SHOTWELL_LOG=1 shotwell

and attach the shotwell.log file from ~/.cache/shotwell/shotwell.log

Getting a bit above my pay grade here :smiley: But I’ll do my best…

First command produced this output:

Drive(0): CT1000MX500SSD4
  Type: GProxyDrive (GProxyVolumeMonitorUDisks2)
   unix-device: '/dev/sda'
  themed icons:  [drive-harddisk-solidstate]  [drive-harddisk]  [drive]  [drive-harddisk-solidstate-symbolic]  [drive-harddisk-symbolic]  [drive-symbolic]
  symbolic themed icons:  [drive-harddisk-solidstate-symbolic]  [drive-harddisk-symbolic]  [drive-symbolic]  [drive-harddisk-solidstate]  [drive-harddisk]  [drive]

I then ran the second command to start Shotwell as you suggested, but it said not available:

bash: shotwell: command not found...
Install package 'shotwell' to provide command 'shotwell'? [N/y]

Ah. are you running from flatpak? Then it’s a tad more complicated, I am afraid.

I will type up the instructions once I am back home. Also that might explain why it fails to unmount the device itself.

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Ooooh, I’ve had problems with Flatpaks before! Did’t even think, yes I installed it in a rush, chose Flathub Flatpak. I can happily uninstall that and go for Fedora RPM, that may run better. Shall I give that a go?
Thanks so much for your help