How do I continue a headless GNOME Remote Desktop session?

I’ve setup GNOME Remote Desktop on a headless system for multiple users using Fedora Server 40. I can create a new session by connecting to it via RDP, and multiple users can be connected to other users on the server at the same time.

However, I’ve found that whenever I close the remote desktop, the session ends. How do I leave a session without ending it so another person can continue the session by connecting to it via RDP on their own machine?

With the multi user remote login via GDM, this isn’t yet possible in GNOME 46, but will be in GNOME 47. It was introduced thanks to Support persistent headless sessions (!249) · Merge requests · GNOME / gdm · GitLab and Support persistent headless sessions (!249) · Merge requests · GNOME / gnome-remote-desktop · GitLab.

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Good to hear! This feature will be great to have.