Default korean fonts

Hi, I’m using Gnome.
I set gnome default language to Korean.
Firefox, VLC default font should be set to NOTO CJK KR, but it is set to NOTO CJK JP. It seems like a minor issue, but could the developer please fix CJK KR as the default font.

Firefox has its own font settings, and VLC (as far as I recall) uses Qt. So I would not expect them to pick up the GNOME environment’s font configuration — at least, not perfectly. It sounds like they might have picked up on the language setting, but not know that there are multiple Noto CJK fonts. You’d have to verify which version of each Noto CJK font you have (because there are several, depending on whether you want region-specific or language-specific subsetting: noto-cjk/Sans at main · notofonts/noto-cjk · GitHub ) and unfortunately not every app can correctly read the tagging in every font.

Either way, to get fixes for Firefox and VLC, you’ll want to raise your issue directly with those projects. If GNOME is doing the right thing (which it sounds like it is), then it’s the projects that are not doing the right thing that you need to contact.