Dear members,
Thanks for those who have posted with questions and concerns about this. I appreciate this is a challenging situation and has raised a lot of concerns and questions among the community.
This has also been an unprecedented situation for the Foundation. The Directors have met 15-16 times this year so far already and directed a great deal of time and attention into making this decision and trying to find the least worst outcomes, considering our legal and moral obligations to the community, the staff, and the Foundation — obligations which have sometimes felt in tension.
Regarding the Code of Conduct committee and their actions; from the perspective of the Board, the CoCC is intentionally formed as a highly autonomous committee which is able to make a number of decisions in confidence without further reference to the Board. This confidentiality protects the reporters and reportees, and protects the Foundation from legal liability. The CoC does allow for very terse announcements in certain circumstances, but we can’t change this approach for one individual situation without removing those protections from the community for subsequent reports. The committee charter details which powers are delegated by the board to the CoCC.
Regarding the Board decision; whilst the Board did receive a report from the CoCC, removal of a Director is a separate process as set out in the Bylaws and solely at the authority of the Board. The Board considered it separately and independently as we are required to do, and made our own autonomous decision by a significant majority. We took outside legal advice on the situation and the process at multiple points, and it was duly followed. For the purposes of limiting legal liability, that advice also included making the announcement very terse and factual. I appreciate this is at tension with the transparency that the community would hope to see, but Directors are also obligated to look after the Foundation’s legal requirements and financial interests.
Regarding the timing; the previous Board was intentionally refraining from announcements while we made arrangements for mediation mentioned in the announcement. Subsequently during the election period we did not want to appear to be interfering in the election which runs autonomously with its own timeline, and since the election the new board has only had its first official meeting (i.e., duly notified, with quorum, able to make votes) to approve this announcement on Wednesday before GUADEC.
Regarding publishing of minutes, it may be worth clarifying that the Charter is a historical document that, while an historical representation of the goals of the Foundation’s founders, does not form part of the governing documents or operational policies of the Foundation. At this time the Board seeks to follow a policy on meeting minutes which does provide for a number of circumstances where matters must be considered in private, either as a private agenda item which is not shown in the public minutes, or as a fully private “board-only” meeting. In California corporate law, these private meetings or sections of meetings are known as executive sessions. They have been minuted slightly differently by the outgoing Secretary, and are stored in the Foundation’s private records as required by California law, but functionally we are following the same guidelines as before.
Regarding the form of announcement; we had a short time window to post the announcement between the meeting when it was approved, and upcoming events such as the Advisory Board meeting and AGM where we needed to be clear who was, and wasn’t a sitting director. There was some discussion about whether it should be posted by staff, an individual director, etc but we realised we didn’t have any official way to make an internal announcement to membership (rather than externally) and this was decided at short notice. I acknowledge with hindsight that this was a little clumsy and I apologise.
Note that I am not a lawyer and I am just trying to explain my personal understanding of the laws and processes governing the Foundation and its decisions here, to help the community’s understanding. Apologies for any errors or omissions.
Many Thanks,
President, GNOME Foundation Board