Updated bylaw amendment: allow non-members to stand for election

Hi Alexandre,

My mention of FreeNode and FSF and highlighting the differences between GNOME and them was only in response to Nate bringing them up as cautionary examples of poor governance.

For completeness, I did come back later in the thread and address this concern/query in more detail at Consultation on bylaw amendment: allow non-member directors (withdrawn) - #33 by ramcq - essentially the interconnection between strategy and fundraising meaning that you can’t decide these things in a “waterfall” model where directors decide what to do, and then hand it to a committee to raise funding. Having more perspectives/understanding in the room when the strategies are iterated upon means that those strategies themselves are more likely to meet with the approval of the different stakeholders - both community and potential backers - which is the process @thibaultamartin is engaging in at Foundation Strategy: funding decentralised/local-first applications.

Many Thanks,