New features suggestion


I don’t know if anyone has brought this up but I wanted to let you know I have been using gnome lately and wanted to let you know some feature request from a long time KDE user.

  • Dock similar to Mac os - well let me explain this one, for me is not about wanting to become similar to any other OS, but to have to press super and see the mosaic menu, to be able to visually know to what other app you are gonna switch is an experience that when I used gnome got me a little dizzy. (Like many I used to be an only windows fan until I learned there is better OSes)

-Dynamic wallpaper - I really like having my wallpapers in a folder and let them change every n amount of minute or so, also if I am moving between different desktop/spaces/workspaces I want the wallpaper to be different between them, this makes it easier to know which app is where.

-Bringing the magic lamp,cube effects, wobbly windows or crash apart window effects would be really nice, it makes Linux feel fun.

I know you get lots of suggestions or comments but still, I always try to bring some feedback when I am actually using something, so I thought I might as well get in touch.

Thanks for hearing me out, keep the great work.

Use the Dash to Dock extension.

You can write a script that changes the background image, and gets called at regular intervals; as for per-workspace backgrounds, this is unsupported because it requires a complex restructuring of the compositor code, and there are more pressing issues to fix. You’re welcome to work on it, though.

There are plenty of extensions for those.

I agree ebassi:
the first and third are possible with extensions and such things like for “feel fun” should not be part of default Gnome.

Dynamic backgrounds and backgrounds per workspace would be nice, but there are more important things at the moment. Maybe in the future this could be done.