Learning GLib - Graph implementation (a draft)

I’m learning GLib, and for that I’m migrating a code of my own using just standard plain C to GLib (the code is a heuristics about paths in a graph). Right now I was able to write a few lines regarding a graph adjacency “list” structure, for that I have used a g_hash_table as a index for vertex/nodes and g_ptr_array to keep track of edges (aka adjancecy list).

The code is compiling and running ok, and proudly valgrind shows no leaks (some still reachable but not my fault ;-).

#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gprintf.h>

struct graph
    GHashTable * nodes;         // A list of nodes in graph

struct node
    GPtrArray * neighbors;      // A list of all adjacent nodes
    gint weight;            // Node weight
    GString * label;        // Node label

struct neighbor
    struct node * dst;      // The node that is pointed too
    gint weight;            // Edge SRC->DST weight

/* Creation functions */
struct graph    * graph_new                     (void);
struct node     * graph_node_add                (struct graph       *graph, 
                                                 gchar              *label, 
                                                 gint                weight);

void              graph_edge_add                (struct graph       *graph, 
                                                 struct node        *src,
                                                 struct node        *dst,
                                                 gint                weight);

void              graph_edge_add_by_label       (struct graph       *graph, 
                                                 gchar              *src, 
                                                 gchar              *dst, 
                                                 gint                weight);

/* Manipulation functions */
struct node     * graph_node                    (struct graph       *graph, 
                                                 gchar              *label);

/* Print functions */
void              graph_print                   (struct graph       *graph);

void              graph_node_print              (gpointer            key, 
                                                 struct node        *value,
                                                 gpointer            user_data);

void              graph_neighbors_print         (struct neighbor    *n,
                                                 gpointer            user_data);

/* Free functions */
void              graph_free                    (struct graph       *g);

void              graph_node_neighbor_destroyed (gpointer            n);

void              graph_node_value_destroyed    (gpointer            value);

graph_free (struct graph *g)

graph_node_value_destroyed (gpointer value)
    if (((struct node*)value)->neighbors) 
        g_ptr_array_unref (((struct node*)value)->neighbors);
    g_string_free (((struct node*)value)->label, TRUE);
    g_free ((struct node*)value);

graph_node_neighbor_destroyed(gpointer n)

struct graph *
    struct graph * g = g_new(struct graph, 1);
    g->nodes = g_hash_table_new_full(
            g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
            NULL, (GDestroyNotify)graph_node_value_destroyed);
    return g;

struct node *
graph_node_add(struct graph *graph,
               gchar        *label,
               gint          weight)
    struct node * n = g_new(struct node, 1);
    n->neighbors = g_ptr_array_new_full(1, (GDestroyNotify)graph_node_neighbor_destroyed);
    n->weight = weight;
    n->label = g_string_new(label);
    g_hash_table_insert(graph->nodes, label, n);
    return n;

graph_edge_add(struct graph *graph, 
               struct node  *src,
               struct node  *dst, 
               gint          weight)
    struct neighbor * n = g_new(struct neighbor, 1);
    n->dst = dst;
    n->weight = weight;
    g_ptr_array_add(src->neighbors, n);

struct node *
graph_node(struct graph *graph,
           gchar        *label)
    return g_hash_table_lookup(graph->nodes, label);

graph_edge_add_by_label(struct graph *graph,
                        gchar        *lsrc, 
                        gchar        *ldst, 
                        gint          weight)
                   graph_node(graph, lsrc), 
                   graph_node(graph, ldst), 

graph_neighbors_print(struct neighbor  *n, 
                      gpointer          user_data)
    g_printf("%s(%d), ", n->dst->label->str, n->weight);

graph_node_print(gpointer       key,
                 struct node   *value, 
                 gpointer       user_data)
    g_printf("%s(%d) -> ", (gchar*)key, value->weight);
    g_ptr_array_foreach(value->neighbors, (GFunc)graph_neighbors_print, NULL);

void graph_print(struct graph *graph)
    g_hash_table_foreach(graph->nodes, (GHFunc)graph_node_print, NULL);

main(gint   argc,
     gchar *argv[])
    struct graph *G = graph_new();
    struct node *a = graph_node_add(G, "a", 10);
    struct node *b = graph_node_add(G, "b", 20);
    struct node *c = graph_node_add(G, "c", 30);
    graph_edge_add(G, a, b, 2);
    graph_edge_add_by_label(G, "a", "c", 4);
    graph_edge_add(G, b, c, 6);
    return 0;

In the code above in function graph_node_value_destroyed, I handle every reference to gpointer data calling it with a cast, otherwise I would not be able to do the references to the struct elements. What alternatives do we have here to enchance code quality? I could think in other 2 methods the first one should be something like:

void graph_node_value_destroyed(gpointer value)
    struct node * node = value;  // with this I can call node without cast.

The other way is changing the prototype of my custom GDestroyNotify

void graph_node_value_destroyed(struct node * node)

But I think that will trigger issues in other places.

What is the recommended method for these situations?

Besides that, any improvements for the code listed above?


int main (int argc, char *argv[])

I dont know if it is better.

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