Initiative: matching user-facing and internal names of GNOME projects

In Debian/Ubuntu, we could add metadata to the packaging to allow sudo apt install gnome-videos to work. Technically, we would just need to add a Provides: gnome-videos to the totem binary package listed in totem’s debian/control.

That would be great but then this has to a distro-wide initiative because adding provides to just one package is not that helpful.

Also, this will only affect Debian and its derivatives and users of the rest of distros would still need to know internal project names to perform any packaging tasks on the command-line.

Ok, we could add symlinks too. The symlinks could be added directly in GNOME.

That seems simple enough and will makes things easier for Debian users.

But the issue still remains for non-Debian users, especially the users who switch from Debian to something else e.g. Arch Linux.

They were used to package and command names being straightforward. After they switch, they would confused as to why gnome-videos which was available in Debian is not available in Arch Linux only to later find out that it is named totem in Arch Linux.

Lol, just open Software store and put "GNOME Videos” in the search.

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