I’m studying this example, which is the only decently complete and still simple example of using ColumnView I could find. I’ve got a bunch of questions regarding this example.
I’d like to understand why the author uses GLib.idle_add in lines 125 and 151, as opposed to run the setup and bind code directly? Is there any benefit to this approach?
Also, coming from Gtk2/3, I wonder why there are no prepackaged shortcuts for this kind of code. I would assume that displaying just a label in a column should be a case so common that a subclass of ColumnViewColumn that just does that would be Gtk4 out of the box? Instead, one needs to manually set up the factory, do all that work with signals and bindings to effectively execute a standard pattern from regular business CRUD applications. it does look quite a bit more complex compared to the “good” old TreeView.
Thank you!