How to compile "network-manager-openvpn-gnome" or where is src code for it?

How to compile “network-manager-openvpn-gnome” from this src code? What I understand it is this src code for gnome plugin since I can not find any other for it.

I got the code from
I did the following:
sudo make
sudo make install

This does not seem install “network-manager-openvpn-gnome”.

Any information will be useful.

Your going to need to provide more details, i.e. the error you see

It is no more details I am trying to find where is the source code for that package? To be able to compile it and run on my local.

Try to modify it to include 2FA functionality which is currently not implemented inside it. (I need to put password+otp token to work with 2fa at the moment)

Did you try ./configure --with-gnome?

Thank you for your response.
No, I did not try it yet. This is why I raised the question here since I couldn’t find any documentation suggesting how to build it.

It may also be necessary to build the plugin with the same prefix as NetworkManager itself. The default autotools (or meson) prefix is /usr/local, I don’t know whether NetworkManager will look for plugins there.

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