GtkScrolledWindow: vertical `AUTOMATIC` scrollbar hides content

At the begin, I also found it strange, what you wanted to get. But we can express the intend in a more general/abstract way:

A collection of clickable elements that needs more space than it can occupy on the screen (and whose size can be changed dynamically at run time). In fact, we have lots of such cases in an application and several different ways to get the intended result.

What about your unanswered July-question, the GtkListBox probably offers what you wanted. The widget emits two different signals: if an element is selected and if an element is activated (= clicked; even if it was already selected).

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A collection of clickable elements that needs more space than it can occupy on the screen (and whose size can be changed dynamically at run time). In fact, we have lots of such cases in an application and several different ways to get the intended result.

Thank you very much for this abstraction of the problem. Iā€™d like to add it to my first post, but unfortunately I canā€™t edit it.

What about your unanswered July-question, the GtkListBox probably offers what you wanted.

Iā€™m not really sure which question youā€™re referring to, but as for this problem, GtkListBox did not help orIā€™m using it wrong - I couldnā€™t get it to scroll automatically so I still had to put it inside a ScrolledWindow, whicht triggers the problematic behavior again.

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