Gnome evolution hanging at startup

On the xfce4-notifyd-0.6.3 intall question the BLFS install scripts check for certain resources when building applications and in this instance it checks for the “org.freedesktop.Notifications service” file and stops if it does not find it.
Having supplied a suitable file the build completes successfully. So the xfce4-notifyd-0.6.3 is no longer a issue and not relevant to the remaining Evolution positioning probllem.


However dconf-editor still complains about “no schema found”.


DConf is wrong. The schema exists. GSettings contains so called
relocatable schemas, which is used here, for the window position
savings, on various places. DConf doesn’t know about it, thus it is
confused. That’s not a problem of any means, you can safely ignore it.
Being it a real problem, the schema really missing, the applications
using GSettings glib interface (not the dconf-editor) would crash as
soon as the missing chema is recognized, which is usually in time of
trying to read the values from the keys. Again, you can safely ignore
that warning (it’s not even an error, when it comes to it).

On the xfce4-notifyd-0.6.3 intall question the BLFS install scripts
check for certain resources when building applications and in this
instance it checks for the “org.freedesktop.Notifications service”
file and stops if it does not find it

Well, from my point of view, the build script is wrong. Either it
should provide that file or not. Users should never create such files
manually. That you created it manually only worked around the problem,
it did not fix the root cause of the problem. Think of it, how a user
should know what the file content should look like? There’s no way for
anybody to know the content, it’s the to-be-built software to provide
it in the expected format and with the expected content, which only the
app knows what it is. Just my opinion. It does not matter, it’s not
related to the Evolution.

I’m happy you made it work. It would be good to know how it happened to
have the window placement saved so far from the screen/desktop view,
but I do not know how to debug that, thus let’s not waste your time on



So the window placement is now fixed so I think we can end things here on the Evolution issue.

On the xfce4-notifyd issue I am disscusing that with the BLFS people.
Apparently the usual case is that an application will mark all dependencies for build prior to the particular application build.
The rule for the automatic BLFS build is that normally recommended dependencies are pulled in as well however certain applications don’t follow this rule because it would pull in a massive number of applications. I think they need to make it obvious which applications don’t follow the automatic dependency rule so that appropriate manual dependency inclusions can be made, this discussion is on going.

Anyway thanks for helping me solve the problem with Evolution and I think we can close this thread now.


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