Gimp as a simple file editor?

I have to open several images on gimp, crop and save. is there a way I can simply press Ctrl+S and not be nagged about anything else?

Yes, I know everything about gimp file format and exporting to simple file formats, But I would really love a simple ctrl+s save without extra questions.

Hi! Try Ctrl+E and see if that works the way you’d like.

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that’s nice. i was going with ctrl+shift+E for the muscle memory (after seeing ctrl+S tries to convert)

but still:

  1. ctrl+e
  2. enter (confirm filename)
  3. enter (confirm overwrite)
  4. enter (confirm export options …after fiddling with them and saving as default)

i cut two “enters” by reassigning ctrl+e to “overwrite-file” shortcut (i.e. “file > overwrite ” menu option)

not to mention either keeps the image flagged as “not saved”, so i still need to close it

  1. ctrl+w
  2. alt+d
  3. enter

So, best case, after opening several files:

  1. crop
  2. ctrl+e (reassigned to file-overwrite)
  3. enter (confirm default export)
  4. ctrl+w
  5. alt+d
  6. enter

ideally why would gimp to just:

  1. crop
  2. ctrl+w
  3. enter (confirm save)

or at least

  1. crop
  2. ctrl+s (or something else)
  3. ctrl+w

Why Gimp? There are plenty of free applications that are much better than Gimp for such a simple workflow.

You could write a script that marked the image as clean & overwrites, and bind it to control-e.

However, one day you’ll be doing some other project with GIMP, with 120 layers that took hours, and you’ll export, and forget to save, and won’t be warned. This sort of case is why pretty much any editor written since the 1960s warns you about unsaved changes.

GIMP is really an xcf editor - i still think we should have rename “open as layers” to “import” to make this clearer. The UI person in charge of the “export” change felt that was going too far, but what we have now is a leaky abstraction.

Throwing away the user’s data is rarely a good strategy even though sometimes it’s inconvenient. Sort of like safety helmets on a construction site.

I see your point @barefootliam , but employing this opinionated choice always is kinda of exaggerated.

I mean, if gimp saved history too, that would be justifiable to always try to save in a different format. but as it is, using layers is a pretty clear indicator to employ that feature (or annoyance depending on POV :slight_smile: ).

If i’m not using layers, I am loosing exactly zero information (yeah, you may nitpick this point) saving as a bitmap. Again, if .xcf saved history, that would be a different history, but it does not. :man_shrugging:

i’m proficient in gimp and already have it installed :slight_smile: why find new pains?

I did use imagemagik to do everything else besides crop.

it’s true gimp does not yet save undo history (it might in the future, it’s been experimented with) but it does save things beyond the layers. Including the selection, paths, active filters and their parameters (in 3.0) and more.

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And why not use the “close all” option?

Do all your exports ctrl+e
Leave the files open
and when all are exported click “close all”.
It will ask you once to save what’s unsaved so far.
You say “discard” … and it’s closed.

There is also an “export all” script by Akkana Peck

Not sure it it still works.