Frustations of a distro-packager with the versioning scheme of GNOME projects

Emmanuele very recently typed up a PSA: On version schemes for GNOME components.

If that had been followed, that would have avoided these problems. The tracker versions should have been 3.4.rc and 3.4.0, not 3.4.0.rc and 3.4.0. The adwaita-icon-theme versions should have been 43.rc and 43.0, not 43.rc and 43.

The same happened with libshumate which had a 1.0.0.beta version before the final 1.0.0 version. The 1.0.0 version doesn’t pass a dependency check like shumate >= 1.0.0.beta. The version mishap was worked around by doing a 1.0.1 version.

I guess the same needs to happen with tracker and adwaita-icon-theme.

@ebassi I guess your PSA can do with some more exposure to developers and maintainers.