Evolution mail client issues

in version 3.50.0 (installed both from the fedora 39 repository and from flathub), the text input field of the letter does not display the printed characters

that’s drawn by WebKitGTK. Does it hide every letter or only some? I do
not know what version of the WebKitGTK the Flathub uses, but I have a
Fedora 39 machine and when it had webkit2gtk4.1-2.42.0-1.fc39.x86_64,
then writing “abc” (quotes for clarity only) into the field for a
response to the organizer in the meeting invitation showed all the
letters. After that I updated WebKitGTK into 2.42.1-1 version and wrote
the same letters - they are shown properly.

What is your locale, please? It can be seen with the following command:

locale | grep LANG

Will anything change if you run Evolution in an English locale, like:

LANG=en_US.utf8 evolution



the webkit2gtk4.1-2.42.0-1.fc39.x86_64 package is installed

$ locale | grep LANG

LANG=en_US.utf8 evolution - it doesn’t help

I just installed fedora 39 and Evolution on an empty computer and I understood why this error occurs, it does not repeat if I use wayland. Due to several reasons, I usually use X11 and this error is repeated there

would you mind to file a bug report against WebKitGTK in:

please? Or if you do not have an account there I can do it for you, I
only think it’ll make more sense to have you on the bug, in case the
developers would have any question.

Also, the Fedora 39 has updated the WebKitGTK to
webkit2gtk4.1-2.42.1-1.fc39.x86_64 and I cannot reproduce the problem
with it under X11 GNOME Shell, thus before filling a bug do update the
machine first and retest it, please.

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