Evolution EWS Oauth2

My company has blocked Gnome Evolution Mail by its application id and am not able to create my own.
I would like to have oauth2 authentications done by an external browser, can someone guide me achieving this?
Best Regards
Joseph Spagnol

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Hello again,
Is there anyone available to provide information about this topic?
Gnome evolution email client is the by far the best email client and this Evolution-EWS plugin drives it on this direction in my opinion.
I am aware that I can feed in the setup configuration my custom application ids and redirect URIs, but in my case I am not able to prepare them. The company I am working for tends to support only Windows/MacOs workstations as they have the tools already provided for accessing emails on the Office365 platform.
For those working on LinuxOS based workstations most often the best choice is to work with Gnome Evolution email client, but since 1st January 2023 there has been a shift in the authentication and usage of Gnome Evolution is blocked by its Application ID. That said it has become more tricky to setup the connection as most of the employees do not have access to create their own application ID.
Such restriction can be tackled out by just switching the authentication process to the default browser.
Going through the help pages and documentations provided I managed to use point 3. from [Apps/Evolution/EWS/OAuth2 - GNOME Wiki!](Evolution-EWS and OAuth2 for Microsoft 365 - Available application ID), which helped me get the client back to working again.
At this point I have another question, what can I do when this method becomes blocked as well?
All I am asking is someone from the experts to guide me for doing the required changes myself.
Thanks for your understanding and support, really appreciate.

this is “nice”. I replied to you on March 6th, 2023, but I see this message had got lost for whatever reason. Bad discourse. :frowning:

The original message I sent:

On Mon, 2023-03-06 at 18:12 +0100, Joseph Spagnol via GNOME Discourse
> My company has blocked Gnome Evolution Mail by its application id and
> am not able to create my own.
> I would like to have oauth2 authentications done by an external
> browser, can someone guide me achieving this?

when you open the EWS account Properties and there Receiving Email tab,
you can see several options for the OAuth2 authentication when it's
selected. There are also "Help..." links, which open a Wiki page, where
you can find different application IDs and an information what to set
to have it working. Read it carefully.

There can be a problem to properly propagate the changed application
IDs to all the process. I suggest you make the changes, confirm them
with the `OK` button and then close evolution and run from a terminal
`evolution --force-shutdown`, which will restart also the background
processes. Then start Evolution.

By the way, unless your company forces the OAuth2 usage, you can try
NTLM instead.

I see you figured that out yourself though, using a different application ID is the way to go.

To answer your new question:

what can I do when this method becomes blocked as well?

You cannot do much, the way this works is very strict and made pretty hard from the Microsoft side. I do not think the third application ID you use will be blocked, it’s an application ID provided by Microsoft itself. The only option is to create your own application ID, under the company tenant.


Hello Milan,
Ok, Understood well and clear.
Thank you very much for your quick response.

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