Evolution delete email button position


first, thank you very much for the wonderful evolution email client, that works wonderfully with radicale.

I have a small wish, the delete button is next to the printer button that can lead to miss clicks, Could you just put the delete botton to the full right side separately?

Kind regards

Screenshot for reference:


How about using ctrl-d for deleting mails and ctrl-p for printing a mail?
No miss-clicks there then! :slight_smile:

Customizing user interface ?

one downside of the auto-generated help pages from the GitLab CI is
that it shows the latest help and in this case the text written there
applies to the very fresh 3.55.1 development version. It does not work
for the 3.54.x and earlier versions.

For the user question: yes, the default can be changed, though it’s not
only about the delete button. Those buttons are in a group,
specifically “Delete | Junk | Not Junk | Archive”. They are one group
of related actions, thus moving one might move all of them to keep the
logic connection between them.

Would it make it like this?

   Print | Load Remove Content | Delete | Junk | ....

I’m afraid people with the remove content (usually images in an HTML
mail) asking very similar thing, that the Delete button is too close to
the one they use often. I see the Preview panel toolbar does not have
the Print action on itself.

I do not see a good compromise here, apart of “the user customizes the
toolbar content for its own needs”, I’m sorry.


Maybe a configuration option to confirm deletes would protect against
this issue. Either that or a quick “undelete”, though I realise that
that might open a can of worms. Currently undeleting requires switching
folders for users with a real Trash folder.


Maybe a configuration option to confirm deletes would protect against
this issue.

True. I thought there is an option for it, but there’s one for the
Calendar part.

Either that or a quick “undelete”, though I realise that
that might open a can of worms.

There is opened a request for undo in the mail (and other parts too).
You are right, that is a can of worms.