Email Libraries for Vala/GLib

I was wondering whether there was a library to work for Email APIs (a la JavaMail API or MailCore2). But the closest I got to this for email functionality is GMime (which has base functionality), and MailCore2 (which is C++ based). My preferred language would be Vala, but I’m looking for most any popular easy to use programming language which is also performant enough.

I was checking out Gmime as part of integrating into a Vala project, but as it was written in Automake, I wasn’t actually able to integrate it [non-trivially] EDIT: trivially … I wasn’t also sure whether to even use GMime as it’s now archived in GNOME GitLab.

I wasn’t also sure whether to even use GMime as it’s now archived in GNOME GitLab.

GMime is a active project hosted on the
A C/C++ MIME creation and parser library with support for S/MIME, PGP, and Unix mbox spools.

GMime 4.0 development cycle is on the way now.

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Add parameter to the configure script will generate the VAPI for Vala:
./configure --enable-vala

Thanks for the advice!

I’m having issues with Automake (I’m using Meson) for now so I’m using the distro packages itself (which had the VAPI files), while I work out how I’ll integrate GMime into meson for now (as wrap (?) dependency or a git sub-module repository).

Using the library directly, or wrap as a Meson subproject(dependency directly)

GMime build tool doesn’t need to change, just keep as original.

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