Combobox in treeview dont hide on update model

Hi don’t know why but in my cellrendercombo box when I select a value the combo remains instead to update the value and hide.

I double check the python function printing pre/post the values stored in the model and they are changed.
The only strange thing can be I’m using the combo guint ID as the data to show in the cellrendertext in non editing mode.

Here are my current Glade+Python function if anyone can help me.

Thanks in advance.

Do you mean that the menu stays open or that the closed GtkComboBox doesn’t disappear?

In either case, it would be easier to answer with a complete example.

An unrelated tip: In python, you can set a value in a tree model like this:

model[path][col] = value

Thanks @chrisaw thats the problem, the app has data sensible and coulden’t share.
And thanks for the tip!


The only strange thing can be I’m using the combo guint ID as the data to show in the cellrendertext in non editing mode.

I can confirm this is not a issue, as my tests works in a small concept test.

I fix the problem, Im using a panned widget with 2 treviews with the same data and have a function to select one when other is selected seting his cursor. I just mark this function to not work (with a updating toggle) when cellrendering start editing.

Thanks again @chrisaw.

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