Cannot submit translations to boatswain

For some days now I cannot submit an updated translation for boatswain.
Whenever I upload the translation and then click on submit to repository I get the following error:

An error occurred while committing the file for this action SubmitToRepository (Submit to repository) - None. The commit on “po” for branch main failed. The original error was: “Git repository at /var/www/djamnedlies/data/scratchdir/git/boatswain could not be pushed.”

Can someone look into it?

As explained in [Scheduled maintenance] GitLab / GitLab pages - 04th of December 2024 at 2 PM UTC - #3 by afranke (which should appear at the top of this page) GitLab is currently having issues which will only get solved after the migration.

OK, I will try again after 4 days

This is solved. I managed to submit the translation.