Add Touchpad Scroll Sensitivity Adjustment Feature

This is very much needed, since very long actually

The touchpad scrolling issue is so fundamental that it makes me sometimes want to switch to KDE Plasma

Do you think you have enough know-how to maybe make a PR for it? @felipeborges did mention that it was a feature under his radar, it might be a welcome addition :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure if the “new two finger side swipe gesture” is a viable option.

AFAIK, gesture support is from libinput, which leaves things out of GNOME’s hands.
I wonder if swipes can be accounted for by exponential acceleration, e.g. baseline gesture speed is e.g. 0.2 (configurable by a slider as you proposed) and increases the longer/further the event goes.
If my logic is correct, that would reach the original speed shortly, and the swipe would trigger as usual without any modification to anything other than clutter.

Best regards,

I’d like to see this one added and I may start working on patches for Mutter and Gnome Settings myself as this one really grinds my gears.

In the interim, I’ve published an AUR package for anyone running Arch-based distributions that includes a hack to slow down the default touchpad scrolling.

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Hey, this is really a big issue, I barely move my fingers on the touchpad and it scrolls through the whole page.